Grey Gelding Coffee Co.
Area students in grades 7th through 12th have a new way to support their caffeine needs & shrink their "TBR" list through the Logan Public Library's new partnership with Grey Gelding Coffee Co.
Students can read independently with no set book list to complete & books can be in any format. Each month we will host a "Silent" book club meeting. Club members will be able to talk about the books they've been reading for the first 15 to 20 minutes of the meeting, followed by 40 minutes of silent reading time. Students will earn points for every book they finish & every event they attend. Four points will earn a certificate for a free medium drink from Grey Gelding. Official Rules:
Books must be checked out from the Logan Public Library, they must be at or above your reading level, read completely, & returned for points to be awarded. Award certificates can be redeemed at Grey Gelding Coffee Co. in Logan, Iowa. Grey Gelding reserves the right to limit drink options available for certificate redemption. Only one reward certificate may be redeemed per person per month. Award certificates are not redeemable for cash. |
Our Next Meeting
Saturday, January 11th: 12:30 p.m.
Logan Public Library
Logan Public Library