To browse our online materials catalog for books, DVDs, audiobooks, etc. please click the above button & use the "Search" icon in the upper right corner of the screen to search by title, author, or keyword.
Even if you can't make it to the library you can still check out new titles anytime! The Logan Public Library is happy to provide patrons with access to e-books & audio books online! To view available titles please click the buttons above. You will need to create an account with your library card to borrow available titles. If you do not have your library card number handy please call us at 712-644-2551 & we will be happy to provide that information & assist you.
Want to read on your phone or your tablet? Just download the Libby app & log in using our library & your library card number then get ready to read! Check out the video below for more information!
Want to read on your phone or your tablet? Just download the Libby app & log in using our library & your library card number then get ready to read! Check out the video below for more information!